Distributions Franco

An evolving digital strategy


After 20 years in business, Distributions Franco is a leader in the marketing of non-food products. From seasonal to everyday utility items, the Franco team creates products that are available in convenience stores, gas stations, drugstores and corner stores. Well established in Quebec and neighbouring provinces, the company has more than 2,000 customers!

A mobile app for invoicing

The business relationship between Franco and Classe Affaires began over 15 years ago. At the time, Franco’s representatives did all the invoicing manually, calculated the taxes themselves and recorded everything on carbon paper. It goes without saying that the risk of error was quite high!

With the desire to improve this invoicing process, Franco called on us for the first time. Classe Affaires took up the challenge, equipping the representatives with a mobile app for invoicing and calculating taxes.


A customized solution and L’utile vendeur

A few years later, Franco and Classe Affaires embarked on a second major project: the development of an international purchasing and supply management solution.

This custom app was quickly enhanced to include ERP** and a new mobile app for sales representatives. This modernized mobile app offers new features and provides an improved user experience.

Among other things, L’utile vendeur provides access to statistics by product, by product category, by territory or by customer. It also offers a catalogue component, which enables the selection of products to be featured and the sending of personalized emails to customers.

An e-commerce platform

Based on the systems and data already in place, an e-commerce platform was also developed. Originally, this platform was intended to provide a self-service experience for more remote customers, but it quickly gained popularity!

In 2020, when the COVID outbreak hit, all transactions were moved to the e-commerce platform. Fortunately, everything was already in place to support the additional traffic.

This increase in business volume gave rise to the desire to optimize the online customer experience.  The ordering process was reviewed, simplified and improved. As for the website, it was given a visual facelift.

Although the founders have since sold Franco, the buyer recognized the value of the existing systems during the transaction.

“Classe Affaires’ active listening enabled us to achieve a digital transformation of our business processes.”
— Sébastien Durette, Director of Operations
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