Successfully launching your technology project
Reading time : 3 minutesIMAGINE OWNING A factory. YOUR MAINTENANCE TEAM IS HIGHLY SKILLED, BUT THEIR WORK IS HAMPERED BY THE BUILDING’S INFRASTRUCTURE. THE BUILDING IS IN DIRE NEED OF UPGRADING. should you leave the RENOVATION PROJECT to your maintenance team or should you call in building engineers?
The maintenance team are experts in their field and well aware of the issues involved, but they are not the ideal choice for drawing up the factory plans. However, the knowledge, needs and expectations of your team should be considered by a qualified specialist. After conducting a full analysis of your situation, the specialist will then be able to come up with plans that are perfectly suited to your business.
The same applies to the implementation of new technologies: the support of an IT expert is key to determining the project’s direction.
Support and shared expertise
Implementing a business solution or digital transformation involves an investment in money, but also in time. These resources are precious, so whatever the scope of the project, it must meet your expectations, those of your team and those of your clients. How can you ensure you make informed choices? An IT expert will guide you through several steps.
1. Establish a process map
Making sound technology decisions requires a clear view of the workflows in your company. The specific processes of each department need to be analyzed, as well as the exchanges between the various teams. The purpose of this mapping exercise is to ensure that everyone shares a common view of workflows, while helping to identify friction points.
This is a good time to consider the future of the organization: how do you see it evolving over the next few years? Technology solutions should meet present needs, but they should also be in line with your growth plan.
2. Assess the technology solutions already in place
What technology infrastructures and applications are currently supporting the processes you have mapped? Working with your team, an IT expert will help you not only to map them, but also to determine their strengths and weaknesses.
3. Estimating resources
Once you have completed the situation analysis, you can focus your attention on the resources you have available and those you will need to successfully complete your project.
And yes, the budget is an essential parameter for defining the potential scope of the project. In addition to the cost of the technology solution itself, you need to consider employee training, technical support, system maintenance, etc. The total sum can be impressive, but it is an investment: a successful technology project generates a measurable and appreciable ROI. Depending on the context, you may also be eligible for a tax credit or subsidy program, which can be a significant boost!
The amount of time your employees have available to complete the project should also be assessed. If you have an in-house IT team, you should check whether the project can be integrated into their workload and, if necessary, consider bringing in an external team.
Together, time and money can lead you to prioritize your needs. The support of an IT expert will allow you to prioritize and logically sequence the implementation of technologies.
Analyze to better define
The analysis of your reality, current technological infrastructures and resources allows you to gather the most relevant information to define an efficient and profitable technology project. Having the support of an IT expert at the analysis stage is just as important as consulting an engineer to draw up factory plans!
Choose an IT expert who will listen to you, talk with your team and take the time to understand your reality. Together, you will be able to turn a business goal into an innovative solution.
Do you have a technology project in mind?
Contact us. It would be a pleasure to discuss it with you!